GCS(Google Cloud Storage)

misankim 2023. 5. 12. 23:22

GCS(Google Cloud Storage)



# google cloud storage

-> Same as s3 in aws



# Bucket storage class and s3 storage class


Standard - Standard

Nearline - Standard-Infrequent Access

Coldline - One Zone-Infrequent Access

Archive - Glacier



# gsutil

-> cli command for google cloud storage

-> Installed together with cloud SDK installation



# Command example


Check bucket list

gsutil list


Check the object list in the bucket


gsutil ls gs://premisan-test/


Copy object to bucket


gsutil cp pink-flowers-on-trees-981364.jpg gs://premisan-test/


Check object details in a bucket


gsutil ls -L gs://premisan-test/pink-flowers-on-trees-981364.jpg


Deleting objects in a bucket


gsutil rm gs://premisan-test/pink-flowers-on-trees-981364.jpg


Check bucket capacity


gsutil du -sh gs://premisan-test/


Create bucket


gsutil mb gs://버킷_이름


Delete Bucket


gsutil rb gs://버킷_이름



# Bucket/Directory Sync



gsutil rsync test123 gs://premisan-test/test123


Sync to subdirectories


gsutil rsync -r test123 gs://premisan-test/test123


multi-threaded sink


 gsutil -m rsync -r test123 gs://premisan-test/test123


Sync by deleting files that do not match.


gsutil rsync -d -r gs://premisan-test/test123 my-test123


Sync by deleting unmatched files (dry-run)

gsutil rsync -d -r -n gs://premisan-test/test123 my-test123


Sync data between buckets


gsutil -m rsync -r -d gs://premisan-test/test123 gs://my-test-bucket


Sink data from cloud storage bucket to aws s3 bucket

 gsutil rsync -d -r gs://my-gs-bucket s3://my-s3-bucket