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Create GCP Internal TCP Proxy LB

by misankim 2023. 5. 12.

Create GCP Internal TCP Proxy LB

-> Currently, it can only be created through the gcloud CLI, not in the GCP console.








# Create a subnet dedicated to regional proxy


Migrate an existing http proxy-only subnet to a regional proxy-only subnet



gcloud compute networks subnets create internal-regional-lb-proxy-subnet \
   --role=ACTIVE \
   --region=asia-northeast3 \
   --network=test-network \
   --range= \



# create neg


gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create my-test-service-a \
   --network-endpoint-type=GCE_VM_IP_PORT \
   --zone=asia-northeast3-a \
   --network=test-network \
   --subnet=test-subnet \

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups update my-test-service-a \
   --zone=asia-northeast3-a \
   --add-endpoint='instance=my-test-service,ip=,port=443' \

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create my-test-service-b \
   --network-endpoint-type=GCE_VM_IP_PORT \
   --zone=asia-northeast3-b \
   --network=test-network \
   --subnet=test-subnet \

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups update my-test-service-b \
   --zone=asia-northeast3-b \
   --add-endpoint='instance=my-test-service-2,ip=,port=443' \



# Create health check


gcloud compute health-checks create tcp my-test-service \
   --region=asia-northeast3 \
   --use-serving-port \



# Create backend service


gcloud beta compute backend-services create my-test-service \
   --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_MANAGED \
   --protocol=TCP \
   --region=asia-northeast3 \
   --health-checks=my-test-service \
   --health-checks-region=asia-northeast3 \
   --session-affinity=CLIENT_IP \

gcloud beta compute backend-services add-backend my-test-service \
   --network-endpoint-group=my-test-service-a \
   --network-endpoint-group-zone=asia-northeast3-a \
   --balancing-mode=CONNECTION \
   --max-connections-per-endpoint=100 \
   --region=asia-northeast3 \

gcloud beta compute backend-services add-backend my-test-service \
   --network-endpoint-group=my-test-service-b \
   --network-endpoint-group-zone=asia-northeast3-b \
   --balancing-mode=CONNECTION \
   --max-connections-per-endpoint=100 \
   --region=asia-northeast3 \



# Create target tcp proxy


gcloud beta compute target-tcp-proxies create my-test-service \
   --backend-service=my-test-service \
   --region=asia-northeast3 \



# Create forwarding rule


gcloud beta compute forwarding-rules create my-test-service \
   --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_MANAGED \
   --network=test-network \
   --subnet=test-subnet \
   --address=my-test-service-ip-1 \
   --ports=443 \
   --region=asia-northeast3 \
   --target-tcp-proxy=my-test-service \
   --target-tcp-proxy-region=asia-northeast3 \


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